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San Gregorio Armeno

Via San Gregorio Armeno is the famous road crib craftsmen, famous worldwide for its numerous craft dedicated to cribs. The street and shops can be visited throughout the year and so the visitor is brought back each time to the magical Christmas atmosphere. For every Neapolitan family, Christmas in Naples is also a visit “San Gregorio Armeno” a must before embarking on the construction or expansion of its crib.

How to get to Via San Gregorio Armeno
Walking along the Decumani of Naples in the weeks leading up to Christmas you can not fail to note that all the attention is directed towards an ‘ancient and historical street of the city, known today for the many artisan shops that ‘made her famous in the world: Via San Gregorio Armeno, the street of the artisans of the crib (crib or even, as some say). The celebrated street connects two of the perpendicular decumani Neapolitan ilDecumano Maggiore (Via dei Tribunali) and the Lower Decuman (Via San Biagio dei Booksellers): then just follow the path of one of them to get there, so if you start from the Duomo (east -west) as the intra moenia Naples (west-east) Who is already in via Duomo, maybe for a visit to the cathedral of Naples, the road reaches the cribs really little, along Via Duomo towards the sea for a few meters then continue along Via dei Tribunali or, later, via San Biagio the Booksellers (Spaccanapoli) in the direction opposite to that where is the Cathedral of Naples, to reach the goal. Easiest solution for visitors around the subway, is instead to get off at Piazza Dante of Line 1 of the subway and go to the Art Port’Alba and from there, through Via San Sebastiano, reach Via Benedetto Croce (always a part of Decuman also known as Spaccanapoli). You can not make mistakes, you can recognize it immediately and Spaccanapoli, right near the bell tower of the church of Santa Chiara, you can go in the opposite direction to the one that leads to Piazza del Gesù Nuovo. As you go along Spaccanapoli towards San Gregorio Armeno, especially at Christmas time, you can already see the first stalls with statues of shepherds, some artisan shop that sells cribs in the courtyard of a building, and many other shops that display in the windows products craft along with the Neapolitan gastronomic treasures of Campania and even statues of shepherds (!) or even whole cribs. Everything points to now understand that the goal is really close. In fact, just quandoSpaccanapoli becomes more narrow a widening suddenly introduces us to Via San Gregorio Armeno.
